Yeah. After these days of some confusions and some thinking, it is the time that I can begin to write something down.
Recently I read my previous blog, which has not been updated since I came to USA. (I wrote something during my days here, yet I did not put them on my blog.) I feel grateful for myself, for all the lines I composed, for all the thoughts I documented. I know deeply how I have treated these articles, hoping that some day in the future, I would be able to read myself back to the afternoons or evenings when I created these works. Writing requires time, and I am glad I did it. Now I will start doing it again.
Writing is thinking. It is a good idea to write about ideas, as the process can make us further think about them and analyze them.
If my words can bring you anything you like, I would be glad.
Life is fair. It's unfair to everyone.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
欢庆一个结束 Celebrate For A Liberation
6月6日的考试虽然前夜住了个高级宾馆,但是好床好被敌不过紧张的神经系统,月高时方睡着。直接导致第二日早晨精神不佳,于是在早餐时海饮咖啡。进考场后考官海量考生证件时我仍在闭目养神养精蓄锐,可心想这次栽了。……。College Board宣称25日便有6月SAT成绩,实际上是指的美国东部时间25日凌晨5点左右以后。所以北京时间……大家自己算。每次等成绩前几个小时都是忐忑不安,查成绩时心惊胆战,等待进入最后一个显示成绩的页面时更是诚惶诚恐。故高血压与心脏病者最好不要擅自查询自己的分数。一定要查也最好在医院急救病房里由医师陪同查询。虽考试遇到种种坎坷,但分数基本达标。阅读大进一步,数学小失一误,写作差强人意。看到分便是吃到定心丸,如今可以有依据地看看学校了。
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