昨日去Briarwood, 本来是要去买食品和日常用品(牙膏和伞), 结果却是扛了几袋衣服, 差点没回得了宿舍. 在Briarwood有一位女推销员, 看着我, 一位黄皮肤的人, 提着大包小包, 于是在我经过的时候问"你庆祝圣诞么?"
我回过头, 差点没停得下脚步, 不知来者何意, 于是说: "也许吧, 不过这不是个传统的项目." 作为身在异国经常被白人抓着探讨东方文化的华人, 我习惯性地以为她会接下来说"我来自XX地方, 那里庆祝XX节日". 然后咱们会有愉快的文化交流, 然后满载笑容离开.
结果她说: "那你一定有对你特别重要的女人吧? 女朋友?" 听到这个我思维掉了个大弯, 心里想"靠, 女朋友?! 俺光棍们正纠结孤单寂寞的精神和本质呢!" 然后这女推销员, 怕是看到了我奇特的神情变化, 马上接着问: "那你母亲?" 我没法说不, 于是说, 有啊.
然后她马上把我引向柜台, 等我反应过来她是要给我推销东西的时候, 已经来不及转头了. 她把我左手抬起来, 马不停蹄地讲: "你想在圣诞的时候给她们送一份最不错的礼品么? 我们现在有一款XXX, 效果很好." 我没听懂她想要说什么, 但她继续滔滔不绝"能够让她们的指甲保持两周的亮白, 不论她们做什么事情. " 我恍过一点神来. 然后她摸了一下我拇指指甲, 说"你看你的普通指甲外表有棱面, 不光滑", 她把一个盒子形状的东西按在我指甲上, 快速左右摩擦, 一边继续"这东西效果持久, 而且操作方便, 你准备好了么?"
她把盒子拿开. 我果然被震撼到了. 我指甲不仅平滑, 还有多得吓人的光泽. 我第一反应是这真不像男人的指甲, 第二反应是完了, 这下怎么摆脱这位推销员. 她继续滔滔不绝, 但我还是很快想到敷衍一句, 谢谢你, 不过我真的需要走了. 她说, 噢, 好吧, 然后背过头忙自己的去了. 行动之快之流畅, 一如她的连珠话语. 我又被震撼了, 不是吧, 蛇尾都这么有水准.
我还几乎抱歉一样加了句, "但是谢谢!"才仓皇逃走.
走了没几步, 我才回过神来, 她当初为什么问我庆不庆祝圣诞, 为何问我"重要的女人", 为何会在人流中挑选我这个其貌不扬的亚裔人. 我开始责备自己, 怎么不反应早一点呢, 应该马上向她学习哪. 那么咱们就可以在另一个层次愉快地技术交流, 然后满载笑容离开了.
很多时候, 我以为自己太敏感. 挺多时候, 我还是不够敏感.
Life is fair. It's unfair to everyone.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
在烤炙食品区, 有位棕色皮肤的大婶.
她曾在纽约曼哈顿, 布鲁克林谋生.
她烹饪, 但她不总是个食物工作者.
她当过机场保安, 见过无数旅人.
她来密歇根三年, 跟随丈夫的脚步.
她来美国二十余载, 独自一人.
她说: "我只身来到这个国度, 就和你一样."
在那个明媚的清晨, 空荡的厨房里, 音乐机播放着的90年代经典流行声中, 她与另一位正在煎蛋的黑人大婶聊着感恩节的计划.
也让我想, 在那棕褐纹理皮肤下, 有过怎样的曲折故事, 笑颜和泪水, 希望和辛酸.
而也许, 真正具体到每一天, 时间也只是这样平淡地流过. 也许, 一切大风大浪, 最终都会回归到宁静的日子.
而也许, 真正具体到每一天, 时间也只是这样平淡地流过. 也许, 一切大风大浪, 最终都会回归到宁静的日子.
一个人的一生, 当是比任何书籍都更能诠释人文的涵义.
Friday, November 19, 2010
There are moments in life,
when you wonder how things might have been different,
if you had chosen another path.
Yet it is not for us to tell.
Even the very wise cannot see all ends.
when you wonder how things might have been different,
if you had chosen another path.
Yet it is not for us to tell.
Even the very wise cannot see all ends.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Dream of Childhood
To travel around the world --
To admire the mountains capped by ice and clothed by cloud. To wade across streams tucked in deep forest and decorated by singings of birds. To walk through streets where time never passes and memories never lost. To talk with people who know the tales and styles of old ages.
To stride on the ground --
To feel the softness of soil, the freshness of growing things, the cool of morning air, the blurry view of hard rain. To learn the stories behind a building, a sculpture, a picture, a letter, a person. To be marveled by the perfection of nature, by the striving of human kind.
To step out and to the journey ahead.
To admire the mountains capped by ice and clothed by cloud. To wade across streams tucked in deep forest and decorated by singings of birds. To walk through streets where time never passes and memories never lost. To talk with people who know the tales and styles of old ages.
To stride on the ground --
To feel the softness of soil, the freshness of growing things, the cool of morning air, the blurry view of hard rain. To learn the stories behind a building, a sculpture, a picture, a letter, a person. To be marveled by the perfection of nature, by the striving of human kind.
To step out and to the journey ahead.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Read, write, read
We need to make a multi-media project about the book Into the Wild. Specifically, we need to create a website with a specific theme derived from this book. Everyone in our group needs to write something equal to five pages of words accompanying one kind of media to illustrate one aspect of the general theme of our website. For example, you can create a painting, and write a five page explanation of how this panting illustrates a specific idea from the book. There is no requirement about how we should write, but the writing is expected to render an in-depth thought on its subject.
After spending two nights pondering what should be my angle of addressing this book and having browsed through the entire 200 pages twice, I finally started typing some original text from the book to my laptop and formed a very obscure idea about my topic. I am going to observe the way people interacted with Alex in his adventures. I hope from this observation some insight about the general attitude of the society can be gained, and in turn how that might have influenced Alex.
Every time when I have to write an argument paper on a book, I have to go through the book several times before I can eventually hit on a point that makes me feel "this idea might work". This sort of writing is not something people can finish in a two-hour leisure time after dinner. Writing, in general, is something that can be delved into and take up considerable time. Writing a simple essay can cost several days. Now I am gradually developing skills about how to create an argument well supported by evidences throughout a book, but I also understand I need a lot, lot of practice before this skill can be refined to a level of reasonable height.
I was also reminded that I once read someone relating that his teacher said "One has to read at least 2000 books before he can form his independent thought." Then this man started gorging books, but some how, as he recalled, in a way of reading books just for its own sake. He read books just to hit a number. He reproached himself that he did not really hold an opinion of himself when he read, thus he was doing a really passive reading. I think probably few people would really just sit and meditate for several hours after finishing a book. More, I suspect, would have gone through the process that while reading they simply accept what is given, and once in a while they will run into ideas in contradiction with what they already know, possibly from some other reading. It is at this moment that they start evaluating which of these opposing idea is of more merits. In this way, gradually people grow sharp in their thinking. Actually I feel this should be a common process for all people -- even for those who do meditation after finishing a book -- as who, at the beginning of their learning, would be able to form opinions about a book with reliable evidences drawn from other books or resources? Thus passive reading always comes first.
After spending two nights pondering what should be my angle of addressing this book and having browsed through the entire 200 pages twice, I finally started typing some original text from the book to my laptop and formed a very obscure idea about my topic. I am going to observe the way people interacted with Alex in his adventures. I hope from this observation some insight about the general attitude of the society can be gained, and in turn how that might have influenced Alex.
Every time when I have to write an argument paper on a book, I have to go through the book several times before I can eventually hit on a point that makes me feel "this idea might work". This sort of writing is not something people can finish in a two-hour leisure time after dinner. Writing, in general, is something that can be delved into and take up considerable time. Writing a simple essay can cost several days. Now I am gradually developing skills about how to create an argument well supported by evidences throughout a book, but I also understand I need a lot, lot of practice before this skill can be refined to a level of reasonable height.
I was also reminded that I once read someone relating that his teacher said "One has to read at least 2000 books before he can form his independent thought." Then this man started gorging books, but some how, as he recalled, in a way of reading books just for its own sake. He read books just to hit a number. He reproached himself that he did not really hold an opinion of himself when he read, thus he was doing a really passive reading. I think probably few people would really just sit and meditate for several hours after finishing a book. More, I suspect, would have gone through the process that while reading they simply accept what is given, and once in a while they will run into ideas in contradiction with what they already know, possibly from some other reading. It is at this moment that they start evaluating which of these opposing idea is of more merits. In this way, gradually people grow sharp in their thinking. Actually I feel this should be a common process for all people -- even for those who do meditation after finishing a book -- as who, at the beginning of their learning, would be able to form opinions about a book with reliable evidences drawn from other books or resources? Thus passive reading always comes first.
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