Life is fair. It's unfair to everyone.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Mount Cook

People I know always desire to see things that are different. Thus they like traveling, sometimes just to have a escape from daily life and touch another world. Maybe some people are like me. We have a kind of feeling, or even a image inside our mind, representing something that we hope one day could become reality, and we can see it with our real eyes.

When I was in US, there was one afternoon with a cloudy sky outside. I was browsing in Google Earth. Then I discovered Mount Cook, in the South Island of New Zealand. Totally and helplessly attracted by the landscape in the movies "The Lord of the Rings", I always strongly admire the great beauty of New Zealand. Long ago I told myself, this is one of the places that I should not miss in my short life.

Also several days ago I got to know a song, Closer by Dido. Every time I listen to it, the melody reminds me that there is so much in life to enjoy. Actually from one aspect, life is simple. We always want to improve the world; yet to an individual like every single one of us, no matter how much we may achieve, at the bottom line our life is about finding something we like doing, finding someone we love, and moving to somewhere we dream of.

To write this blog, I spent a lot of time trying to find the very best one picture that could describe how I felt about Mount Cook in that cloudy afternoon, but it's in vain. No single picture is able to convey the feeling of navigating through probably hundreds of images that depicted Mt Cook from different angles, time, and distances. They created an atmosphere. They told me of Mt Cook in rain, in snow, in sunshine, and in shadow of the clouds.

But I did save one picture that's great in itself (below).

Later I searched the lyrics of Closer by Dido:

So leave your taxi waiting 
And turn and close my door 
And sit back down where you were sitting 
A little closer than before

When you look that serious 
It just makes me want you more 
And I've been needing to tell you

The closer you get, the better I feel 
The closer you are, the more I see 
Why everyone says that I look happier 
When you're around 
The closer you get, the better I feel

And yes I know you're nervous 
Never seen you so unsure 
You haven't touched your food tonight 
And you're drinking more and more

And there's no need to hurry 
Taking time I'll still be here 
And I've been needing to tell you

The closer you get, the better I feel 
The closer you are, the more I see 
Why everyone says that I look happier 
When you're around
better I feel

The closer you get, better you see
The closer you are, more I see
Why everyone says that I look happier
When you're around 
The closer you get, better I feel 
Better I feel 

We've been circling for time baby 
We're coming down to land tonight 
The wait is over and now it's easy 
Everything is fine 

The closer you get, better I feel
The closer you are, more I see
Why everyone says that I look happier
When you're around, better I feel

The closer you get, better you see
The closer you are, more I see
Why everyone says that I look happier
When you're around 
The closer you get
Better I feel


Simply great. It's expressive, considerate, and comforting.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

财新传媒主编王烁的老婆twitter (转自人人网日志) Wang Shuo's "Wife Twitter" History

在原文之前, 先说几句. 在人人网上看到这日志, 如此有趣, 让我觉得应该摘到博客上来. 我不知道理想婚姻有多少种, 但这篇日志看起来很不错. 许多女孩性格不错也懂得关心人, 却少了些灵动之气. 于我而言, 自然希望生活能更多些有趣的细节.


7月6日▼WangShuo 王烁 - Buzz - 公开 - 已忽略




WangShuo: #PresetationSecret 老婆抢过iphone,看上面打开的书是乔布斯演讲术,不屑,“谁会看这种书?有什么用?”我对曰,“这种书是给闷骚的人看的,你是闷骚的天敌,用不着。”

from Twitter / WangShuo - Oct 27, 2009 (2 days ago)

WangShuo: 老婆:“你什么时候最幸福?”我:“当你太过顽皮,我精选时间场合气氛,大着胆子,对你提出建设性批评,而你居然接受了。这时候我最幸福。”

from Twitter / WangShuo - Oct 23, 2009 (6 days ago)

WangShuo: 老婆在星巴克,旁边一人依次用港普﹑普通话﹑东北话打电话,先后自称香港人﹑北京人。老婆认为语言天才,我认为骗子。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Oct 23, 2009 (6 days ago)

WangShuo: 取款机取钱,分一半给老婆。老婆边塞进钱包边开心,“有一种被老公养的感觉。”我问,“你不是特别自豪于独立自强新女性?”老婆说,“这是我领导力的表现。”

from Twitter / WangShuo - Oct 19, 2009 2:48 PM

WangShuo: 跟老婆猜拳定谁去干家务。老婆掰开我的手掌,比出剪刀手势,在我的大惊失色中,冷静地说:“你输了,去吧。”

from Twitter / WangShuo - Oct 14, 2009 8:29 PM

WangShuo: 老婆问,你为什么不批评我不思进取不干活?

from Twitter / WangShuo - Oct 11, 2009 7:18 PM

WangShuo: 今天表现特别好。老婆奖励了一个“为所欲为”指标,就是想干嘛干嘛,她不干涉。晚上我想看电视,老婆不许。我要求启用指标。她说,好的,你可以为所欲为地听我的话。政府都这样的吗?

from Twitter / WangShuo - Oct 3, 2009 11:56 PM

WangShuo: 老婆看促销广告,叫,我们扮情侣吧,情侣价8折。我说好的,反正人家查出来我们也是转正情侣。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Oct 2, 2009 1:08 PM

WangShuo: 在机场拍了几张照片,问老婆,有没有拍出北京今天的苍茫?老婆说,没有的事。你不会用光。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Sep 30, 2009 6:16 PM

WangShuo: 昨天有10张星巴克咖啡券,慨然送同事。后见桌上有貌似无主的星巴克咖啡券,数之,六张,揣之以归。献给老婆,记功一次。今晨有同事责我归还,窘。人生无常。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Sep 29, 2009 4:26 PM

WangShuo: 老婆你化妆了吗?没有啊。那为什么看上去效果好像比化妆还好呢?老婆开心地笑了。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Sep 27, 2009 7:00 PM

WangShuo: 在外一天,冷落老婆,心中害怕,频频致电,要不要出来逛街?要不要我带本八卦杂志回家?峻拒。益恐,奔回。无他,老婆耽于穿越文耳。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Sep 27, 2009 12:49 AM

WangShuo: #mylife 老婆说我们是宅里巴人。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Sep 19, 2009 10:53 PM

WangShuo: 这个店的服务员采用了我所见过的最笨拙办法与顾客套瓷。她指着我对我老婆说,“大姐,上次陪您来的不是这位先生吧?”幸好她问的不是我。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Sep 18, 2009 9:04 PM

WangShuo: #mylife 看到电脑上有56个windows更新,老婆愉快地唱:“56个更新56朵花,56个更新是一家。”

from Twitter / WangShuo - Sep 9, 2009 10:50 AM

WangShuo: 吃完饭,老婆懒得动,但还想吃蛋糕。我问,不是说吃撑了吗?辣的那部分吃撑了。甜的还没开始。她说。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Sep 5, 2009 12:46 PM

WangShuo: 在商场,老婆去看衣服,我依门看推。抬头老婆不见了。她身上没钱没手机没钥匙。三无人士,真丢就麻烦了。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Aug 30, 2009 1:39 PM

WangShuo: 真的男人,敢于当父母的面抱着老婆甜言蜜语。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Aug 28, 2009 12:55 AM

WangShuo: 陪老婆在社区医院打点滴。老婆从来没这么安静过。六七年前结婚时同事问婚后有什么感想,我说“吵了”。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Aug 22, 2009 11:22 AM

WangShuo: #mylife 岳父母来信,说我是打着灯笼也找不着的好女婿;妈妈给老婆来信,说她做儿媳比妈妈当初做得更好。我在办公室里炫耀,张继伟说这相当于交换国书。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Aug 21, 2009 11:31 PM

WangShuo: 今天对老婆说,你好吃懒做,又懒又馋,我最喜欢,再胖点就更好了。老婆当时就在肯德基感动地哭了。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Aug 12, 2009 12:26 AM

WangShuo: 陪老婆逛街时商店有两种,一种是有凳子的,一种是没有的。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Jul 20, 2009 3:08 PM


WangShuo: 洗完澡舍不得关水,因为水温刚刚好,急忙叫老婆也来洗一把。老婆很感动:“有什么好的你都会想着我.......”

from Twitter / WangShuo - 12:01 AM (2 minutes ago)

WangShuo: 老婆逛商店,嫌衣服贵,自言自语,“反正有老公了,不用买了。”

from Twitter / WangShuo - Nov 28, 2009 (3 days ago)

WangShuo: 乖乖坐在老婆边上听她八卦,是不够的。我还得不时做点睛评论,以此表明:在听,在思考,有互动,有贡献。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Nov 27, 2009 (4 days ago)

WangShuo: 介绍一下夫妻兵法:只要老婆不生气,就不断表扬我。只要老婆生气,我就确保吵架每次输给她。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Nov 27, 2009 (4 days ago)

WangShuo: 说起箱子,老婆在桌子下藏着一只箱子好久,直到最近几年才不见。我偶然问是什么。“离家出走备用的,现在用不着了,建议你备一个。”

from Twitter / WangShuo - Nov 25, 2009 (6 days ago)

WangShuo: 前天离职交车,跟办手续的联办接收人员炫耀,说老婆把压箱底的钱拿出来给我买车。对方很冷静,“她有几口箱子?”

from Twitter / WangShuo - Nov 25, 2009 (6 days ago)

WangShuo: “老婆,为什么前晚你梦话说了一晚上?”“因为狮子座流星雨。”“老婆,为什么昨晚你睡不着老溜到客厅上网?”“因为狮子座流星雨。”“老婆,找借口还这么懒就是你不对了。”

from Twitter / WangShuo - Nov 20, 2009 10:14 AM

WangShuo: 老婆端详迟到六年的tiffany婚戒,满心欢喜之余嫌贵。我安慰,感情不打折。她说,感情当然不打折,戒指为什么不?

from Twitter / WangShuo - Nov 16, 2009 11:09 PM

WangShuo: 老婆早上说心得,老公要放养不要圈养。我说,一样的一样的。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Nov 11, 2009 1:59 PM

WangShuo: 老婆太调皮我生气了,要发火。老婆说,这样吧,我数到三你就开始发火。我同意。她数:一﹑二﹑四﹑五﹑﹑﹑

from Twitter / WangShuo - Nov 8, 2009 5:49 PM

WangShuo: 跟老婆吵架了怎么办?想道歉老婆不接电话怎么办?在办公室里,抢过老婆能识别出号码的同事的电话,拨通,趁老婆没反应过来是你的时候,大声地说,“我道歉!”搞定。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Nov 5, 2009 6:11 PM

WangShuo: 2004年与老婆出国前,岳父塞给她2000美元,"吵架了回国有张机票钱“。在首都机场我就没收了,”你会丢的,我保管吧“。果然在美国吵架了,老婆离家出走至电影院,嫌票价贵,冷静,回家。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Nov 3, 2009 11:07 PM


WangShuo: 看到一串项链很好看。我坚定地说,给你买!老婆凑过去,价签上的零一时数不过来。原来是 2,560,000。我们逃走了。

from Twitter / WangShuo - 8:24 PM (31 minutes ago)

WangShuo: 老婆说,早上你要负责叫我起床。如果我赖床,是你的责任。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Dec 29, 2009 (2 days ago)

WangShuo: 老婆最喜欢说:我每天都在你身上发现新的优点。跟你在一起每天都在谈恋爱。老婆说她是真诚的,不是御夫术。我相信她。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Dec 26, 2009 (5 days ago)

WangShuo: 老婆问我从这次风波中学到了什么,我思考良久,认真作答一二三,忽见老婆怒目金钢,沉着应道:这些其实都不重要,最重要的是有好老婆。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Dec 24, 2009 6:14 PM


from Twitter / WangShuo - Dec 24, 2009 3:28 PM

WangShuo: 老婆昨晚呼声如雷,再三拍之,如故。晨起老婆说我呼声如雷,她一度被迫起来上网。我问,为什么不拍拍我?然后想起,我是拍了她,有用吗?雷公雷婆。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Dec 23, 2009 4:59 PM

WangShuo: 老婆刚从外地发来短信,说这次有些好地方舍不得逛,要留着下次我们两人一起去。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Dec 19, 2009 11:05 PM

WangShuo: 以前某周末早上,老婆监督我刷牙。我说,星期天我休息,牙齿也要休息。老婆大笑,就放过了我。隽语有时比黄金更可贵,不比信心差。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Dec 6, 2009 11:48 AM

WangShuo: 早上老婆问我刷牙没有,我说,你要听真话还是听假话。老婆说,不用听了,去刷吧。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Dec 6, 2009 11:48 AM

WangShuo: 老婆醒来坚持听economist音频版,不幸再次昏倒,趴在我身上睡着了,打着小鼾,我一点都不觉得她重。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Dec 4, 2009 9:07 PM

WangShuo: 老婆听经济学家音频版又睡着了。我对她说,这个太好了,要么醒着就是学习,要么就是睡着养身体,都是好事,我很满意。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Dec 4, 2009 9:07 PM

WangShuo: 变造一下今天的推特金句,得出:你跟老婆讲道理她就耍赖皮,你跟她耍赖皮她就讲道理。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Dec 2, 2009 8:40 PM

WangShuo: 老婆说,2004年送了你一台笔记本电脑,2009年送了你一辆车,算了,不能再送更贵的了,要伤你自尊了。我说,千万不要考虑我的自尊。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Dec 2, 2009 8:40 PM



WangShuo: 家务事我和老婆有分工。老婆负责阴谋诡计,我负责上当。

from Twitter / WangShuo - 9:59 AM (25 minutes ago)

WangShuo: 昨晚老婆在家端着笔记本电脑走路时摔了一跤,但端的姿势一点没变,电脑完好无损。她很得意,我表扬了她。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Jan 29, 2010 (2 days ago)

WangShuo: 清晨上班路上老婆呱呱呱不停,我受不了,要求跳车,立即获批。然未跳。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Jan 28, 2010 (3 days ago)

WangShuo: 我对老婆说,你太懒太能混了,叫你混世魔王怎么样?

from Twitter / WangShuo - Jan 27, 2010 (4 days ago)

WangShuo: 吃完午饭出来,老婆不由自主向商店走去。我问她是不是想逛街。她说是纯散步。我说,你为什么不能正视自己的内心呢?

from Twitter / WangShuo - Jan 23, 2010 1:49 PM

WangShuo: 老婆看完阿凡达出来,听说要放孔子了,问她倒贴100块看孔子去不去?她问,能不能光倒贴?

from Twitter / WangShuo - Jan 21, 2010 3:34 PM

WangShuo: 老婆无谓失误损失了600块,马上来表扬我,老公你有个优点是大方,可要保持啊。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Jan 18, 2010 8:47 PM

WangShuo: 老婆说,你现在越来越会说话了,再也不像以前那样质朴诚实了。我说,我以前跟你说过,你不能惩罚诚实。你听了吗?

from Twitter / WangShuo - Jan 17, 2010 10:19 PM

WangShuo: 老婆暖洋洋地躺在长沙发上,笔记本电脑在肚子上,热茶在茶几上,毛毯在腿上,自成一统小世界。为什么每次我这样躺在那里老婆都会过来捣乱?我悟了。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Jan 16, 2010 5:49 PM

WangShuo: 我把昨天的博文《Google改变规则》做了个英文版。老婆看后不高兴好久。我问为什么,她说,唉,你的英语比我好太多了。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Jan 15, 2010 10:56 AM

WangShuo: 老婆不在家的时候,我一般是看书看到自然睡;老婆在家的时候,我往往是装睡避开她的十万个为什么,然后弄假成真。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Jan 14, 2010 1:33 PM

WangShuo: 早上老婆在车上拿起一瓶冻得半结冰的矿泉水,递给我,来,给我捂捂暖!我泪流满面。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Jan 11, 2010 9:03 AM

WangShuo: 老婆今天上午拔牙以来,似乎没有停止过说话。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Jan 5, 2010 8:57 PM

WangShuo: 老婆,元旦假期过得如何?很好。生日周期过得如何?很好。对我有什么不满意的地方?没有。那能不能不要随便对我发飙?我没有随意,我发的都是正义的飙。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Jan 3, 2010 6:50 PM

WangShuo: 在东方广场sony店玩摄像机的笑脸自动识别定格拍照,我和老婆脸部表情从木然到傻笑多次,屡试不爽。旁边情侣环伺,无一敢于效尤。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Jan 1, 2010 6:30 PM


WangShuo: 有次赴美,登机口通知我免费升商务仓。我问能不能给老婆一并升,被告不行。我说那就算了,得跟老婆在一起。归座得老婆表扬若干。再过片刻,通知我两人都升仓。好人好报,以此为最。RT @zhaozhou: 每飞十五次经济舱后,就会有一次被免费升级到头等舱。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Feb 24, 2010 11:34 AM

WangShuo: 某次跟老婆在拉斯维加斯看无上装show,中间睡着,老婆自此对我很放心。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Feb 16, 2010 11:41 PM

WangShuo: 我鼓励老婆去购物。老婆不好意思地说,这样我不是很没文化?我说不用担心,就算加起来除以二,我对我们的文化含量还是很有信心。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Feb 14, 2010 6:48 PM

WangShuo: 老婆在超市里叫起来,老公,这地方有cctv卖唉,是什么?我一看,警示小偷的标签贴在货架上了:cctv(闭路电视)在看着你!

from Twitter / WangShuo - Feb 14, 2010 5:39 PM

WangShuo: 老婆,给我做一个无辜,贪婪,神气兼具的表情!老公,难度太高,我都肌肉痉挛了。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Feb 13, 2010 3:07 PM

WangShuo: 老婆某年春节跟我回家。大姐叫她去厨房帮忙,结果洗的碗无一只通过大姐的质检,从此老婆免于家务。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Feb 13, 2010 11:44 AM

WangShuo: 每当我建设性批评,老婆就说,我没骗过你,结婚时候就风险提示过所有缺点,是你自己要结的喔。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Feb 10, 2010 7:45 PM

WangShuo: 老婆要求,与老婆相处要谦虚,不得利用自己的优势获取非份的利益。我说,谦虚技对你有好处,但对我有什么好处。为什么要禁用?

from Twitter / WangShuo - Feb 7, 2010 3:40 PM

WangShuo: 看忠犬八公看到哭了。老婆抱着我说,放心,我在这里,在这里。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Feb 6, 2010 5:00 PM

WangShuo: 老婆检查我的短信和电邮,问,你这里面怎么全是正事,没有绯闻?

from Twitter / WangShuo - Feb 5, 2010 12:50 PMDelete


WangShuo: 一秒钟前,老婆在车上开心地说来说去。一秒钟后,已经打小鼾了。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Mar 29, 2010 (3 days ago)

WangShuo: #OnWriting 畅销小说大家斯蒂芬金一半自传一半关于如何写作的建议。我对如何写新闻有点想法,但有次老婆要我写穿越文给她看,写了300字开头就悲惨地自知之明了。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Mar 27, 2010 (5 days ago)

WangShuo: 老婆推之星巴克系列:大英博物馆10点才开门,初春微雨,跟老婆在对面的小星巴克里互相拍照杀时间。我拍她背影、侧影但无拍不出深邃。她给我左拍右拍怎么都把星巴克店招拍得比我更显眼。老婆你真的教过我构图吗?

from Twitter / WangShuo - Mar 24, 2010 6:00 PM

WangShuo: 老婆平时默认状态是天然呆,但我知道她的潜能,告诉她至少是骨勇级数,有可能是神勇。她问我是什么勇,我说,无勇。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Mar 23, 2010 12:56 PM

WangShuo: 我对刚起床的老婆大声叫,google退出中国了!老婆神定气闲地说,知道啊,半夜被你呼噜吵醒,上网,已经看见.cn重定向到了。

WangShuo: 老婆推之星巴克系列:华盛顿18街和H街十字路口东北有间星巴克。老婆某次要采访前美国贸易代表巴舍夫斯基,提前到巴办公室旁边的这家星巴克准备,排队买咖啡还在背问题:中美贸易关系会不会受影响?前面老美不胜其扰,回头正告:absolutely!

from Twitter / WangShuo - Mar 21, 2010 3:40 PM

WangShuo: 老婆推之星巴克系列:北京丰联广场星巴克我和老婆去得最多。工作之余下楼二人世界一会,7年。某次与老婆一言不合,起身就走,后来道歉。不料老婆也向我道歉,因为她已撕碎中移动积分所换之600元星巴克卷以泄愤。吵架有风险,发火需谨慎。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Mar 21, 2010 3:40 PM

WangShuo: 老婆推之星巴克系列:去年初,看完凡尔赛宫出来,不想回巴黎市区,在城铁站对面的星巴克跟老婆一起隔着玻璃晒太阳,昏昏欲睡。看见对街车站前一只大黑背神采奕奕,守着昏昏欲睡的流浪汉主人。老婆怕狗,精神了,走人。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Mar 21, 2010 12:39 PM

WangShuo: 老婆推之星巴克系列:某个初春跟老婆去纽约,倒春寒刺骨,无心逛街,见星巴克就钻进去。在纽交所旁小巷里的星巴克,我读了纽约时报关于当时乌克兰橙色革命内幕的报道,对老婆说,纽约时报最长于此。老婆乖乖听完我的冗长分析,一般她会中途睡着的。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Mar 20, 2010 2:42 PM

WangShuo: 在星巴克等老婆。我和老婆去过许多星巴克。小故事写下来,会是很好的广告。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Mar 20, 2010 2:42 PM

WangShuo: 老婆推之星巴克系列:与老婆一起去的第一家星巴克,在东方广场地下一层。刚谈恋爱,老婆号称喜欢电脑,但在那里玩了会儿我的小sony 就索然无味。我慢慢明白,女人的话不能信。女人心口不一,不是骗你,是天性。她喜欢什么得你自己观察,投其所好没有捷径。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Mar 20, 2010 2:42 PM

WangShuo: #TeamOfRivals 林肯老婆Mary曾经拿刀子把他逼到过花园,曾经拿扫帚把他赶出过家门,拿木板招呼过他的头。我,中文老婆推创始人,还有什么不满意的呢?

from Twitter / WangShuo - Mar 12, 2010 6:26 PM

WangShuo: 跟老婆吵架吵急了的时候,我抢过她的录音笔,还抢过笔记本电脑。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Mar 12, 2010 11:20 AMDelete


WangShuo: 老婆发表言论,我表态说:是。老婆不满意,要我多说点,我说:是的。老婆生气了,我害怕地又多说了一点:真的是。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Apr 19, 2010 9:06 PM

WangShuo: 老婆说,“给你买劳力士吧?”我说,“别,一点兴趣没有。”“哈哈哈,所以我从来不说给你买 ipad,就怕你有兴趣。”

from Twitter / WangShuo - Apr 19, 2010 9:06 PM

WangShuo: 今天去美国使馆签证,旁边是一组大学生,据说签到证的话中介机构给办在美带薪实习。大学生们很紧张,个个拿着张纸在背问答。看到一句,“hello, teacher!”我对老婆说,我是签证官就回答:“hello, child labor”。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Apr 19, 2010 2:23 PM

WangShuo: 老婆撒娇问,我是你的什么?我老实作答,你是我的锚。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Apr 14, 2010 8:47 PM

WangShuo: 老婆飞机误点,零点才到,却在飞机上不肯吃饭。我生气了,你是不是仗着有人管就自暴自弃了?老婆不服说,我的缺点就是你的机会。我不明白机会是什么意思,买吃的去了。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Apr 13, 2010 10:56 PM

WangShuo: 老婆在外丢了几千块钱,忐忑怕我责骂。我发去慰问短信,快用逛街购物来麻醉自己!老婆大喜。严格要求要在事前,错误已成则要减压。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Apr 11, 2010 8:44 PM

WangShuo: 老婆抱怨,你要是对我像对手机那样好就好了。我说,这破手机我今天硬格式化了三次。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Apr 7, 2010 8:14 PM

WangShuo: 电视主持人问征婚节目男选手,用鞋作比的话,婚姻对你是什么?老婆应声作答:拖鞋。拖鞋舒服嘛。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Apr 7, 2010 4:21 AM

WangShuo: 老婆在外办事,一拍身上没钱。向刚认识的人借两块五坐地铁。人没零钱。改借十块,人一气之下借了她五十。我后来问,五十也不够办事呀,事怎么办呢?走一步算一步,她答。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Apr 6, 2010 9:56 AM

WangShuo: 老婆推之星巴克系列:望京星巴克,只带了一台电脑,我奋笔疾书。老婆很乖地玩iphone。良久。我回头去看,发现老婆正在看Stanza书,托克维尔的《旧制度与大革命》。大惊。道歉。老婆,电脑给你看穿越文吧。你受委屈了。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Apr 4, 2010 11:08 AMDelete


WangShuo: 老婆不在家,啤酒、牛肉,下基辛格的Diplomacy。不亦快哉!

from Twitter / WangShuo - May 30, 2010 (3 days ago)

WangShuo: 让好老婆来找你。RT @xyaoo: 请王老师赐予找到好老婆的方法

from Twitter / WangShuo - May 28, 2010 (5 days ago)

WangShuo: 旅行我要跟老婆在一起,那样我就特会认路,接受购物,喜欢拍照,不避寒热,甚至跟尼泊尔老农民在长途车上抢 座。如果老婆不在,我一般不会出酒店。RT @wangpei: 旅行在拍照中迷失了风景。在天池边,我伫立凝神5分钟,以便把眼前的雪域冰湖曝光在心中。

from Twitter / WangShuo - May 28, 2010 (5 days ago)

WangShuo: 来开会之前,我刚跟老婆说,一个人绝大部分时间献给老婆和老板,找对正确的老婆和老板,绝大 多数时候就是开心的。”我的博文《诺贝尔经济学奖得主谈快乐》在此:

from Twitter / WangShuo - May 18, 2010 1:11 AM

WangShuo: 老婆担心地问我,脸上的痘痘怎样了。我说,我从来看不见你的痘痘。目无全牛,懂吗?

from Twitter / WangShuo - May 3, 2010 12:16 AM

WangShuo: 朋友Nai看我忠实地帮老婆拎包,说这太中国了,美国男人绝不会为老婆拎包。我问是不是因为美国人重视隐私。她说是美国女人要自立。我转头问老婆,你要不要自立?

from Twitter / WangShuo - May 1, 2010 7:37 AMDelete


WangShuo: 老婆睡着了。抱着我的胳膊说梦话:"妈妈,妈妈。"

from Twitter / WangShuo - Jun 29, 2010

WangShuo: 老婆晚饭吃了一整份炭烧猪颈肉,拍着肚子说还饿。“我胃里里好象长了一个黑洞。”她可怜巴巴地看着我, “再给我买块卤肉吧?”

from Twitter / WangShuo - Jun 28, 2010 (2 days ago)

WangShuo: 老婆从不看球,突然看见电视上打出朝鲜队阵容名单,尖叫三声:coach!coach!coach!然后突然想起来,coach指教练,不是她喜欢的那个包包牌子。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Jun 21, 2010 7:39 PM

WangShuo: 午饭我把老婆最爱的炭烧猪颈肉全留给她了。过会一看,还留着两片,说是内心挣扎,天使战胜魔鬼,还是给我留了两片。但如果我欣赏她的自律,还是可以把这两片奖给她的。我该怎么做?

from Twitter / WangShuo - Jun 12, 2010 12:29 PM

WangShuo: 看到高考作文题“脚踏实地与仰望星空”,我对老婆说,总理误读康德,命题人误读总理。我很想讲讲为什么,但老婆完全不想听。老婆你能不能对高雅多感一丝兴趣?

from Twitter / WangShuo - Jun 8, 2010 11:37 AM

WangShuo: 每当我想买围棋天地,就体贴地问老婆,要不要买本Vogue? 每次想买瓜子,就要求给老婆买德芙巧克力。老婆从来不知道我在干什么。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Jun 7, 2010 10:44 PM

WangShuo: 我在星巴克看书等老婆。老婆等来了,但书还没看完。我说,我们不能在这里谈谈恋爱吗?老婆高兴地同意了,然后就拿起一本我事先精心放好位置的杂志。我则争取到了时间。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Jun 7, 2010 7:40 PM

WangShuo: 岳父说,老婆小时候多动症。得每天早上喝咖啡,以便早点引爆她的多余能量。

from Twitter / WangShuo - Jun 5, 2010 1:19 PM

WangShuo: 老婆充满感情地对我说,你就是为我定制的打包服务。

何小姐 Miss He

在常青藤放榜前几日, 我在网上遇到一个女孩. 而后常青藤放榜, 咱同时悲剧, 再一同为WL而纠结. 虽然她在我的MSN好友中, 但我预想她永远不会到这个空间来看我的文章, 所以大可放心写几句. 近来我时常与人谈到她, 并非我对她本人有多么深厚的感情, 而是她让我看到了一种截然不同的生活姿态. 她三年前独自来到纽约城生活, 自己租房自己买水电, 自己买菜做每一餐饭. 她学音乐, 弹钢琴有14年之久, 绘画曾学了8年. 作为音乐艺术生, 她有时为了个人演奏会要每日练琴到13个小时之久. 她讲时常边看电影边练琴, 大抵是 练习肌肉记忆: 注意力完全不在琴上仍能演奏出高山流水之乐. 她几乎从来不睡觉, 也许部分来自习惯, 部分来自父母的遗传. 我问她比别人多出那么多时间, 一定是学圣吧? 她说不是不是, 有数不尽的通宵她也在电影, 书和food network网站(各种食物及其制法)上度过.

我曾瞥过她原来写过的文章. 不同于我, 她总是很强烈很直接地挥洒自己的情感. 抒情随笔我也不是见得少, 但很少有人如她这样万分执着, 甚至许多时候几乎是逼迫自己. 于是我想, 也许这就是学音乐且非常要强的人的特质. 他们敢于呐喊, 敢于毕露锋芒, 却也更是心思细腻, 感慨千端.

其实我真得感谢这位朋友, 让我如此真切地体会了另一种人生方式. 走满极端? 但走极端在我这里从来都不是贬义词.

Several days before the Ivy League posted their admission results, I met a girl on the internet. Then we both encountered disasters in Ivy League admissions, and both suffered incredibly for the waitlists we were on. Though she is my friend on MSN, I figured she probably would never come to read my stuff, so I can write something about her without any worry : P Recently I often mentioned her when talking with friends, not because I hold very strong affection for her, but because she presented a lifestyle brand new to me.

Three years ago, she came to New York City alone. All by herself, she rented an apartment, paid for the electricity and water, bought food and made every meal in a day. Majoring in music, she played piano for 14 years, and learned painting for 8 years. Practicing piano for 13 hours a day to prepare for a personal concert was nothing rare to her. She told me sometimes she would watch movies while practicing piano, and I guess it was for muscle memory: thus she could still weave fantastic music from the piano even if her attention is totally not there. She almost never sleeps, maybe partly due to her habit, partly due to her heritage from parents. Once I asked: "how do you spend this much time that others do not have? Study?!" She said: "No, no. Countless nights were all about movies, books and"

I read her blog some time ago. Not like me, in her words she always floods her feelings out like mighty rapids, with extraordinary strength and directness. I have seen many passages solely written for feelings, yet seldom have I detected such kind of perseverance. So I thought, maybe this is the characteristic of people who study music and never tolerate failures. They dare to scream, to shine with all they obtained inside, yet also sensitive to details of feelings, and can be sentimental at times.

I should really thank this friend, for letting me savor such a different way of life. She bears too many extremities? Extremity is hardly ever a bad word in my dictionary.

Out of the Window

Here again, I am glancing outside of the window, just like I always did in the old days. 

The sky is growing darker, and wind blowing among green leaves, which in my memory never turned into other color. The building not far away has been empty for what is like ages.

I feel it's raining. But it's not. The road, down at the bottom flat ground, is dry.

For a moment, there go back to me pieces of fantasies I once had, long long time ago, wrapped in a blurring feeling, like a child's perception of the outside world.

Usually after this moment, there followed a busy night. I would time after time be touched, but always busy enough to let it slip away without a trace.

Now maybe something is lost.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

To Hell With The Courts

20世纪初的工人运动中, 1912年在圣地亚哥, 杰克·怀特在一场自由演讲争端中被捕, 入狱6个月. 当被问及他有任何话向法庭说时, 一个速记员写下:
The prosecuting attorney, in his plea to the jury, accused me of saying on a public platform at a public meeting, "To hell with the courts, we know what justice is." He told a great truth when he lied, for if he had searched the innermost recesses of my mind he could have found that thought, never expressed by me before, but which I express now, "To hell with your courts, I know what justice is," for I have sat in your courts room day after day and have seen you, Judge Sloane, and others of your kind, send them to prison because they dared to infringe upon the sacred rights of property. You have become blind and deaf to the rights of man to pursue life and happiness, and you have crushed those rights so that the sacred right of property shall be preserved. Then you tell me to respect the law. I do not. I did violate the law, as I will violate every one of your laws and still come before you and say "To hell with the courts." ...
那位起诉律师, 在他给陪审团的请诉中, 控诉我在一个公共聚会上演说公共政纲. "去他的法庭, 我们知道什么是正义." 他说谎的时候也说了很多事实, 因为如果他寻遍我大脑最深处的蔽所, 他会发现我未曾表达过, 但今日我会说出来的: "去他的你们的法庭, 我知道什么是正义." 我曾日日坐在你的法庭中, 并且看过你, 斯洛恩法官, 还有其他你这样的人, 把他们送进监狱因为他们胆敢践踏神圣的财产权. 对于人们追求生活和幸福的权利你们变得眼瞎耳聋, 你们粉碎这些权力来保护神圣的财产权, 然后你们要我来尊重法律. 我不会. 我确实违反了法律, 正如我会违反每一条你们的法律然后仍然站到你面前说"去他的法庭."...

我曾想, 最合理的方式是不是最高效的方式. 比如在机场柜台排队办理手续, 是不是每个人都应该按照他办理手续的速度得到相应的惩罚或者奖励. 这个方式自然会加速人们办理手续的速度, 督促慢性子的人手脚迅速一点. 这是不是更合理的方式? 但什么才叫更合理呢? 也许该换个说法, 这是不是这个社会应该采用的方式? 也许这个方式会提高社会的生产效率, 但是必定很多人会反对这个方式. 所以由于众多慢性子人的反对, 这个方式不会被执行. 所以社会, 如果是处于理想的状况下(实在的民主而非某少数阶层统治, 无论他们是不是本着"民主"的名义), 应该是按照最多人同意的方式运行而非最高效率地运行. 其实按极端情况想, 若是按照最高效运行, 那所有人都要戒掉所有休闲娱乐时间来工作. 所以这里要分清两个概念, 社会最高效"运行"并不是最高效"发展". 什么才能算发展? 发展是进步到更合理和优越的状态, 是所有人的利益都能被照顾到的状态, 而非只有某些资产阶级, 某些无产阶级, 某些权贵, 某些精英, 某些急性子的利益被照顾到. 当某些人还生活在社会边缘, 还在为下顿饭而忧愁, 还在忍受肮脏危险的工作环境, 还在遭受性别和肤色的歧视, 还在为了服务"国家利益"(如果那真的是整个国家的利益)而遭受战争摧残, 当他们还继续被这个社会所忽略或忽悠, 咱们敢毫无顾忌地谈"社会正发展"么? 有些人说至少部分人的生活得到了改善. 这么说的, 有几个人是在为政府辩护? 有几个人是在蓄意忽略社会边缘的人? 还有几个人, 是把"社会的发展"和"科技的发展"弄混了? 最终, 这个社会的所有人真比5000年前的人要活得更快乐么?

关于加快机场办理手续的制度假设, 还可以引申一点. 若某个房间有规定, 所有坐坏椅子的人都要赔偿相同的椅子. (并假设椅子是容易坐垮的塑料椅子.) 这个规定公平么? 若是这个房间是某个车站或者机场的唯一休息室呢? 若是这个房间是社会某个会员很得利的组织呢? 若这个房间就是社会, 而它的规定就是法律呢?

In 1912, San Diego, Jack White was arrested in a conflict for free speech, and sentenced six months in prison. He was asked what he had to say with the courts. A stenographer later wrote:

The prosecuting attorney, in his plea to the jury, accused me of saying on a public platform at a public meeting, "To hell with the courts, we know what justice is." He told a great truth when he lied, for if he had searched the innermost recesses of my mind he could have found that thought, never expressed by me before, but which I express now, "To hell with your courts, I know what justice is," for I have sat in your courts room day after day and have seen you, Judge Sloane, and others of your kind, send them to prison because they dared to infringe upon the sacred rights of property. You have become blind and deaf to the rights of man to pursue life and happiness, and you have crushed those rights so that the sacred right of property shall be preserved. Then you tell me to respect the law. I do not. I did violate the law, as I will violate every one of your laws and still come before you and say "To hell with the courts." ...

I used to think whether the most reasonable way is the most efficient way of doing things.  Should we add some rules in airport, saying that every one would get some reward or punishment according to how fast they could do their check-in, thus saving time for others waiting in line? For sure this will increase the speed of check-in, yet is this the better way to do it? But how could we define a “good” way or a “reasonable” way? Or maybe we should say is this the way to be adopted by the society? Maybe it could improve the productivity of the society, yet still, it will encounter enormous resistance from those with a slow habit. Thus it will not be put in effect. So I think, in an ideal circumstances, in which the society is truly democratic instead of controlled by some minority, no matter under the name of “democratic” or not, the society will use rules agreed by most people, not rules the most efficient. Actually, if the society is really operating in its highest efficiency, all people should quit their recreation to work. Thus here we should distinguish between two concepts. “Developing fast” means not “producing fast”. What is developing? It is progressing to a better state of society, where interests of all people can be met, instead of only some capitalists, communists, aristocrats, elites, or those with a fast nature can enjoy the results of development. As long as there are people living on the brink of society, worrying about their next meal, tolerating filthy and perilous working environment, encountering discrimination for their sex or skin color, being tortured by wars for some “national good” (if it is really good for the entire nation), as long as they are still ignored or cheated by the society, how could us still talk about “social development” with ease? Some may argue that at least SOME people have improved their life quality. Among those saying this, how many are defending for the government? How many are deliberately ignoring people from the bottom of society? How many are confusing “social development” with “technology development”? Finally, do all people live a happier life than 5000 years ago?

About the imaginary rules for airport check-in, more may be discussed. If there is a rule in a room saying “all those who break a chair shall compensate a new same one.” (We assume the chairs are plastic and relatively breakable.) Is this rule fair? What if this room is the ONLY rest place in a station or airport? What if the room is an social organization, and its members enjoy major privileges? What if the room is the society, and its rule the law?

Mr. Fama

周一上午完成了Pre-Calc的期末测试, Mr. Fama也检查完我所有笔记和作业. 离开时, 我问是否需要将这个他学期开始时给我们的, 如今夹了我所有资料的活页夹归还, 他手将夹子推还给我, 说: “不用, 我希望它能在你今后的路上帮上你一点.” (“No, no. I hope it can help you a little bit as you go on in your life.”)

其实很可能我以后再也不会翻这个笔记. 这门课并不难, 绝大多数东西我都已学过. 若不是与US Gov’/Econ的课相冲突, 我当初会直接选Calculus.(也是他教.) 在这个课上我都很少有听课, 笔记也甚为简陋. 好在凭着底子, 考试的成绩都不错. 让我时时感慨的是这位老先生的性格与礼仪. 逾80的年龄已颇显憔悴, 但常常他都会神采飞扬地讲述以往经历, 甚或只是简单的笑话, 浮溢仍然年少的热情. 我只听过他在卡瑜加社区学院, 伊利诺伊大学, 密歇根大学, 还有在中国武汉的往事, 然而隐隐, 会感到这都只是他的冰山一角, 然后思索藏于那白发和纹绉之后的究竟是何样的灵魂, 经过了多少历练和打磨, 才最终修得不随时光而消减的对生活的感激和从容. 可在花放群山, 雨打芭蕉中, 年底又到来, 其他学子忙着筹划假期, 而咱们共行的旅途亦到尽头.

我只呆了一年不到, 还未完全相识, 又分道扬镳. 等下次我再能拜访此地, 怕已是物换人非. 尤其面对古稀之年的老先生时, 顿感生命之脆弱与无力. 又想到丹麦女孩阿维回国前, 最后一节环境科学课后Dr. Flowers才确知她第二日登机. 相比我今秋又将回美上大学, 阿维今后的计划都在丹麦, 所以故地重游的可能性更小. Dr. Flowers, 也是一位年迈的女士, 对阿维说: “这一年过得很愉快, 希望咱们有朝一日能再会.” (“This year has been a pleasure. I hope we will meet again some day.”) 似乎好多时候, 说希望再会是知道很可能难以再会.

离别是离别, 可我现在再一次不知生活会将自己引向何方.

On Monday morning, I finished the Pre-Calc final. Mr. Fama also finished checking all my notes and homework. Upon leaving, I asked him if I should return back to him the binder, which he gave us at the beginning of the year and now has all my materials in it. He pushed it back slightly, saying: “No, no. I hope it can help you a little bit as you go on in your life.”

Actually, very unlikely I will ever open the notes again. This class is not hard, and I already knew most of the knowledge. If not for the conflict between U.S. Gov’/Econ and Calculus, I would have chosen Calculus. Sorry to say, in Pre-Calc, I seldom paid full attention and took serious notes, yet with what I have already learned, I luckily got good grades. What really impressed me was Mr. Fama’s personality and courtesy. His appearance tells his age of over 80 years old, but always he would narrate his experience, or just simple jokes, with laugh, joy, and ageless passion from his early days. I have only heard about his adventures in Cayuga Community College, University of Illinois, University of Michigan, and the city of Wuhan in China. However, slightly I felt all these were just a small corner, emerging above the water, of the huge iceberg of his prolonged life experience. Then I would ponder, what kind of soul was hiding behind those white hair and wrinkles, and how many setbacks and difficulties he had encountered, so he could eventually cultivate such appreciation and patience for life, that could not be worn out by time. Yet now, when flowers are blooming in mountains, rain drops hitting leaves, other students busy with summer planning, our shared path is also coming to an end.

I stayed only for less than a year. Not even beginning to know about each other, we are heading for our own roads again. Next time when I visit here, much may have changed. Particularly in our aged gentleman, there could be sensed a sort of fragility about life. Before Anine went back, it was after the last Environmental Science class that Dr. Flowers knew her flight was on the next day. Compared with me coming back for college this fall, Anine’s all plans remained in Denmark, so the possibility for her to travel back is even smaller. Dr. Flowers, another lady beginning to feel the pass of time, said to Anine: “This year has been a pleasure. I hope we will meet again some day.” Yet at that moment I felt, for a lot of times people say “hoping to meet again” because they know it could be difficult.

Yet once again, I have no idea where my life will draft me.